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A Healing Touch and the Forgiving Heart: 'THE MINISTRY OF JESUS.'

Writer's picture: Kevin SellersKevin Sellers

Today I want us to reflect on the luminous figure of Jesus.

Jesus the Son of God who walked among us, not in a robe of power and majesty, but in the humble garb of a carpenter. His ministry, though brief, was a tapestry woven with threads of compassion, healing, and above all, forgiveness.

We need to open our hearts to the lessons etched in the Gospels and learn how Jesus reached out to the broken and weary, offering solace and a path to wholeness. In the Gospels, we find countless stories of His compassion, where He reached out to the sick, the broken, and the ostracized, offering not only miraculous relief from physical ailments but also the profound cleansing of forgiveness.

The beauty of Jesus's ministry lies in its ripple effect. His acts of healing and forgiveness didn't just touch the immediate recipients; they inspired countless others to follow suit.

In Matthew 9, Jesus sends out his disciples, instructing them to "heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons." He empowers them to become instruments of God's compassion, spreading the message of love and healing far and wide.

In the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 2, where we find the story of a paralytic man (verse 1-12). Unable to walk, he is brought to Jesus by four determined friends who tear through the roof of a house just to get him close to the healer. Jesus, seeing their unwavering faith, speaks words of comfort and grace: "Son, your sins are forgiven" (verse 5).

Now, this might seem like an odd first step.

Why address this man's spiritual state before his physical one?

It's because Jesus understood that true healing goes beyond the body. Sin, like a heavy burden, can cripple our souls, isolating us from God and ourselves.

So, Jesus starts by offering liberation, by severing the chains of guilt and shame,

Then, to the astonishment of the religious leaders present, Jesus says, "Get up, take your mat and walk" (verse 11). And the man does! He rises, his limbs responding to the divine command, and walks out, carrying not just his mat but a newfound freedom.

This outward miracle mirrored the inward transformation already wrought by forgiveness.

Imagine, if you will, the despair of a blind man, shrouded in perpetual darkness. In Mark 8:22-25, we encounter such a man, led to Jesus by those who believed in His miraculous power. Jesus, with a gentle touch and a whispered word, restores the man's sight. But the miracle goes beyond the physical. As the man gazes upon the world for the first time, he doesn't just see trees and houses. He sees the faces of loved ones, the beauty of creation, and perhaps, even a glimpse of the divine.

  • This is the essence of Jesus' healings – They mend - not just the body, but the soul.

Society often casts its shadows on those deemed unworthy, the outcasts, the tax collectors. Yet, in Luke 5:27-32, Jesus extends His hand to Matthew, a despised tax collector.

He invites him to follow, defying social norms and shattering barriers.

Matthew, overwhelmed by grace, leaves everything behind and becomes a disciple.

  • This is the radical love of Jesus – He reaches out to the marginalized, the forgotten, and sees not their past but their potential.

He offers not judgment, but acceptance and a place at the table of His love.

In Luke 13:11-13, we find a woman bent double by an infirmity, unable to stand tall.

For 18 years, she has carried this physical and, no doubt, emotional burden.

But when she approaches Jesus in the synagogue, He doesn't hesitate.

He lays His hands upon her and declares, "Woman, you are set free from your infirmity."

In that moment, the shackles of her condition fell away. She straightens her back, a newfound joy radiating from her face.

  • This is the power of Jesus' forgiveness – it liberates us from the chains of sin and shame, allowing us to stand tall and walk with dignity.

Or consider the tax collector Zacchaeus, ostracized for his profession yet yearning for connection. Jesus doesn't judge him but invites himself into his home, declaring, "Today salvation has come to this house" (Luke 19:9). Through forgiveness, Zacchaeus finds not only acceptance but also the strength to transform his life.

Jesus' ministry teaches us that: Healing is holistic: It encompasses both physical and spiritual well-being. Just as a doctor treats the body, Jesus heals the soul, offering forgiveness and restoring our connection to God.

Compassion knows no bounds: Jesus reached out to all, regardless of their background or past mistakes. His love embraced the marginalized and the ostracized, offering them a chance at wholeness. Faith is key: In every story of healing and forgiveness, we see the importance of faith. Whether it's the unwavering belief of the paralytic's friends or the woman's desperate plea for mercy, faith opens the door to God's grace.

In John 8:1-11, we witness a scene of stark contrast.

A woman caught in adultery is brought before Jesus, ready to be stoned. The crowd cried out for her blood, eager to see justice served. But Jesus, with a calm demeanor, bends down and writes in the sand. When He rises, He utters a simple yet profound statement, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her." The crowd, their own hearts burdened with guilt, slowly disperses. Jesus then turns to the woman and speaks words of forgiveness and hope. This is the boundless mercy of Jesus – He extends forgiveness even to the most condemned, offering a chance at redemption and a new beginning.

Jesus, instead of casting the first stone, offers understanding and a chance at redemption: "Go and sin no more" (John 8:11).

Remember these are not isolated incidents. Throughout His ministry, Jesus consistently intertwined healing and forgiveness. These lessons of Jesus' ministry are not mere stories from a dusty book.

They are a living testament to the transformative power of His love, compassion, and forgiveness.

In our own lives, we may face physical or emotional ailments, burdens of guilt and shame, or feel ostracized by society.

But let us always remember, that Jesus stands with outstretched arms, ready to heal our wounds, forgive our transgressions, and offer us a place of belonging in His embrace.

In the Gospel of John, we find Jesus at the tomb of Lazarus, his heart heavy with grief for his friend's passing. Yet, amidst the sorrow, he raises Lazarus from the dead, a testament to his power over life and death. But Jesus's compassion wasn't reserved for the grand gestures.

In John 5, we encounter him at the pool of Bethesda, where the sick and infirm lay waiting for a miraculous stirring of the waters. Jesus doesn't wait for the perfect moment; he sees a man who has been paralyzed for thirty-eight years and simply says, "Get up and walk."

The man's immediate healing speaks volumes about Jesus's unwavering desire to ease suffering, no matter how long it has festered.

Jesus understood that true healing encompasses more than just the physical.

In Luke 7, we meet the woman who washes his feet with her tears and dries them with her hair. This woman, ostracized and labeled a sinner, finds solace and acceptance at Jesus's feet. He doesn't condemn her; instead, he proclaims, "Your sins are forgiven. “This act of radical forgiveness shatters the walls of judgment and shame. It reminds us that God's love is boundless, extending even to those deemed unworthy by society.

Jesus didn't seek to change the woman's past; he offered her a fresh start, a chance to walk in the light of God's grace. As we reflect on Jesus's life, we are called not to be mere observers, but active participants in his legacy.

My prayer is that you will be as inspired by His example as I am, and that you’ll carry His torch of love and forgiveness into the world. Let us reach out to those in need.

Let us offer a kind word to the lonely, a helping hand to the struggling, offer a listening ear, and extend a hand of healing. In doing so, we become vessels of His grace, mending the brokenhearted, restoring hope to the lost, and reminding everyone that they are loved, forgiven, and worthy.

I pray we do this until the ripple effect starts creating a world where healing, & forgiveness find hearts of fertile ground and bring God’s Kingdom to earth as in Heaven.


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